Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Local Missions
Our communities are our priority, so we invest in the needs within our own communities. Local Missions allows us to build and strengthen God’s Kingdom by being a light in the darkness right where we are. One way we do that is by partnering with local ministries including Caring for the Heart New England, Covered Bridge Recovery Ministry, Futures Pregnancy Care Center, the Mustard Seed Soup Kitchen & Lift Up Thrift Shop, Momentum Makers (outreach to area businesses to help them retain employees and create healthy work environments), and River of Life Camp.
Another way we do that is by having ministries and outreaches directly into our community. Some of the outreaches that happen directly from UBC are our Good News Clubs at Saint Johnsbury Health & Rehab (outreach to the elderly and disabled), Kingdom's Kids Camp (a FREE week of camp held on our UBC Campus), and by participating in community events with our UBC tent, bouncy house, and free coffee or maple frappes. We also have an outreach inside our local prison.
UBC currently supports approximately 14 people/missionaries (3 local, 6 in the states that travel out of the country and 5 out of the country) and partners with 8 organizations in the USA and around the globe. We choose not to list our missionaries names as some of them serve in high-risk areas of the world. To learn more about the specific missionaries we support, visit the missions wall in our foyer or contact Fred Pike, the head of our Outreach Team. If your heart is for missions we want to connect with you!
Short-Term Missions
Missions isn't reserved for spiritual "superstars." A few times a year UBC commits itself to missions trips both in the USA and overseas. We've been to Honduras, Peru, Ghana, Texas, Alaska and Brazil. It's our heart to see groups and individuals committed to missions be supported and also to bring our own people out of their comfort zones to serve in areas where they can be exposed to other cultures and challenged in their faith. Scroll down to see where our teams are headed next.
Our communities are our priority, so we invest in the needs within our own communities. Local Missions allows us to build and strengthen God’s Kingdom by being a light in the darkness right where we are. One way we do that is by partnering with local ministries including Caring for the Heart New England, Covered Bridge Recovery Ministry, Futures Pregnancy Care Center, the Mustard Seed Soup Kitchen & Lift Up Thrift Shop, Momentum Makers (outreach to area businesses to help them retain employees and create healthy work environments), and River of Life Camp.
Another way we do that is by having ministries and outreaches directly into our community. Some of the outreaches that happen directly from UBC are our Good News Clubs at Saint Johnsbury Health & Rehab (outreach to the elderly and disabled), Kingdom's Kids Camp (a FREE week of camp held on our UBC Campus), and by participating in community events with our UBC tent, bouncy house, and free coffee or maple frappes. We also have an outreach inside our local prison.
UBC currently supports approximately 14 people/missionaries (3 local, 6 in the states that travel out of the country and 5 out of the country) and partners with 8 organizations in the USA and around the globe. We choose not to list our missionaries names as some of them serve in high-risk areas of the world. To learn more about the specific missionaries we support, visit the missions wall in our foyer or contact Fred Pike, the head of our Outreach Team. If your heart is for missions we want to connect with you!
Short-Term Missions
Missions isn't reserved for spiritual "superstars." A few times a year UBC commits itself to missions trips both in the USA and overseas. We've been to Honduras, Peru, Ghana, Texas, Alaska and Brazil. It's our heart to see groups and individuals committed to missions be supported and also to bring our own people out of their comfort zones to serve in areas where they can be exposed to other cultures and challenged in their faith. Scroll down to see where our teams are headed next.