
need assistance?

If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please call (802) 748-5639, and one of our pastors will get back to you within 48 hours.

If you have a mental health emergency please call 911 or
1-800-273-8255 for the national suicide prevention hotline.

As a whole, the care ministries at Union Baptist Church exist to help support the deeper spiritual and emotional needs of UBC attendees through:

small groups

At UBC we believe that care is best done in community. Although there are times when professional help is needed, the first people to be there during a time of crisis should be the community of friends you have built here. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life He intends for us.

Sharing life through community is part of our design, and the best way to be cared for is jumping into the community and building lifelong relationships with those at Union Baptist Church.


At UBC we believe that prayer is a powerful and a primary means through which God’s creative and supernatural power impacts our lives and the world around us. Are you wanting prayer support? We’d love to join you in your requests!

Email us for prayer. You can be as specific or vague as you’d like – but know that we keep everything confidential and  love to pray for people in faith knowing the Lord will guide you and give you peace in your current situation.

marriage/broken trust

Betrayal + Beyond: Betrayal and Beyond is a confidential group for women whose lives have been shattered by the impact of betrayal and broken trust in their marriages and relationships. This ministry is ongoing and based on when women come forward needing healing in this way.


Walking in Hope: Walking in Hope is a confidential, faith-based group offering support, encouragement, hope and renewal to women who have been or may be in an abusive relationship. We know that stepping out to get support and help can be scary sometimes, but we would love to walk with you through this healing journey.

Facilitator: Helen Casey
Meets: Friday @ 10:00 a.m.

living hope

Living Hope is a bible-based ministry helping people find freedom from the hurts, hangups and destructive habits in their lives.

Meets: Friday @ 6:15 p.m.

Group Contacts:          
Michael McCaffrey    
Kristine McCaffrey

Phone Number:  (802) 274-2747

sexual addiction

For Men Only:Breaking Free meets every Monday in the lobby prayer room. FMO is a brotherhood of men actively working together with Christ to break free from enslaving habits and addictions.

Meets: Mondays @ 6:00 p.m.

Facilitator: George Mudge

Phone Number: (802) 274-0465


Our Pastoral Care Team is happy to pray for you and share Biblical wisdom with you; however, sometimes professional help is needed. When choosing a counselor it is often helpful to discuss how much you want the counselor’s faith to be part of the process, what the end goals are, and how cancellations and emergency meetings are handled.

UBC is thankful to be a ministry partner with "Caring For the Heart New England" as
a ministry that provides counseling  that includes personal, emotional, and spiritual problems
free to our area.