you are needed.

Today’s culture casts a view of manhood that goes to extremes; distorting and hiding the true definition of what it means to be a man. We invite men to join us as we walk through life and learn about true manhood .

We believe more in relationships than we do in programs. Contact  Pastor Clifton if you are interested.

groups + studies

UBC Cafe @ 7:30am

Brotherhood is a group of men that meets on the last Saturday from September - April  to learn, challenge, and sharpen one another.  Check out the calendar and newsletter for dates on when Brotherhood is meeting  or contact Pastor Clifton for more information.

UBC Lobby Prayer Room @ 6:30am

Men meet  for morning prayer on Wednesday mornings in the UBC Lobby Prayer Room. All men are welcome to come and pray for themselves, their families, their friends and one another.


For Men Only:Breaking Free meets every Monday in the lobby prayer room. FMO is a brotherhood of men actively working together with Christ to break free from enslaving sexual habits and addictions.

Facilitator: George Mudge
Phone Number: (802) 274-0465

Small Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Every week, individuals and families from UBC gather together to connect with one another, hear the word of God taught, and apply it to their lives.  Our small groups are called FAITH groups and its our goal for every man at UBC to be engaged in one.